Currently, Claire runs a small marketing studio on the west coast of Canada whose clients include Hootsuite, ConvertKit, Superpath, and Graphite. She specializes in creating editorial assets that educate, entertain, and convert customers.
Studio 33 Party Compilation 01 26
Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 is available on CD, vinyl record, and digitally. It contains the complete soundtrack of Team Fortress 2. It was released on April 21, 2017, and is available for purchase from Amazon and Bandcamp or digitally on most streaming services, including Steam. Some tracks in this compilation have been renamed, and all of them are in a different order than they were originally released in. Those who purchased the Vinyl Edition got a code to download the soundtrack at The promotional item this album's code gives is the Audio File.
Non-use benefits. There are additional, indirect benefits to society that arise from improved accessibility. For instance, resource savings may arise from reduced social service agency outlays when people are able to access centralized points of service delivery rather than receiving home-based care. Home-based and other social services may include home health care visits and welfare benefits. Third-party employment effects can arise when enhanced accessibility results in increasing rates of consumption by disabled and non-disabled populations, which in turn results in reduced unemployment.
(1) General. For each ticket for a wheelchair space purchased by an individual with a disability or a third-party purchasing such a ticket at his or her request, a public entity shall make available for purchase three additional tickets for seats in the same row that are contiguous with the wheelchair space, provided that at the time of purchase there are three such seats available. A public entity is not required to provide more than three contiguous seats for each wheelchair space. Such seats may include wheelchair spaces.
This document covers compilation and installation of the Apache HTTP Server on Unix and Unix-like systems only. For compiling and installation on Windows, see Using Apache HTTP Server with Microsoft Windows and Compiling Apache for Microsoft Windows. For other platforms, see the platform documentation.
A large number of third parties provide their own packaged distributions of the Apache HTTP Server for installation on particular platforms. This includes the various Linux distributions, various third-party Windows packages, Mac OS X, Solaris, and many more.
A description of these third-party distributions is maintained in the HTTP Server wiki, and should reflect the current state of these third-party distributions. However, you will need to familiarize yourself with your particular platform's package management and installation procedures.
Cause: The new TLS implementation introduces significant changes to the internal, underlying, design of the JDK TLS security libraries. The new design has exposed some bugs in 3rd party software libraries. For the most part, these issues have already been patched in such 3rd party libraries.
Java SE 9 changes the JDK's Transform, Validation and XPath implementations to use the JDK's system-default parser even when a third party parser is on the classpath. In order to override the JDK system-default parser, applications need to explicitly set the new System property jdk.xml.overrideDefaultParser.
Any TLS server certificate chain containing a SHA-1 certificate (end-entity or intermediate CA) and anchored by a root CA certificate included by default in Oracle's JDK is now blocked by default. TLS Server certificate chains that are anchored by enterprise or private CAs are not affected. Only X.509 certificate chains that are validated by the PKIX implementation of the CertPathValidator and CertPathBuilder APIs and the SunX509 and PKIX implementations of the TrustManagerFactory API are subject to the restrictions. Third-party implementations of these APIs are directly responsible for enforcing their own restrictions.
NVRTC is a runtime compilation library for CUDA C++. It accepts CUDA C++ source code in character string form and creates handles that can be used to obtain the PTX. The PTX string generated by NVRTC can be loaded by cuModuleLoadData and cuModuleLoadDataEx, and linked with other modules by cuLinkAddData of the CUDA Driver API. This facility can often provide optimizations and performance not possible in a purely offline static compilation.
A technology introduced in Kepler-class GPUs and CUDA 5.0, enabling a direct path for communication between the GPU and a third-party peer device on the PCI Express bus when the devices share the same upstream root complex using standard features of PCI Express. This document introduces the technology and describes the steps necessary to enable a GPUDirect RDMA connection to NVIDIA GPUs within the Linux device driver model.
This is a reference document for nvcc, the CUDA compiler driver. nvcc accepts a range of conventional compiler options, such as for defining macros and include/library paths, and for steering the compilation process. 2ff7e9595c