Police investigating the baby's case unearthed a suspected ring of human trafficking. The details sparked outrage among authorities and the public, who say the case raises a host of questions about child abandonment, exploitation and the poor treatment of girls and women in the world's second most populous nation.
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Many sending countries have begun instituting pre-departure orientation programs that, among others things, provide domestic workers with information about their rights. These programs do not yet reach all migrant domestic workers, and often reach them only after they have already endured poor conditions and forced confinement in training centers. A Singaporean woman who works with abused domestic workers said, "The pre-departure orientation is important. Lots of problems could be reduced if sending countries did their job. Slavery in the modern era, it starts with girls themselves.... Educating them here [in Singapore] is too late!"59 One domestic worker said she was much better able to negotiate her working conditions the second time she migrated. She said:
The agent in Singapore was cruel. I had to take off all my clothes and was totally nude. They were checking to see if I had hidden money. I was wearing a head scarf. They took it and threw it away. They hit me and kicked me with boots. They asked if I brought anything from Indonesia. They took 50,000 rupiah I had. There were three other girls with me. This was happening in front of them. Only those of us from Indonesia experienced this [treatment]. I had bruises on my head and arms. The employer found out when I went to her home. She asked me to go to the police. I said it didn't matter because God will punish them. They were Indonesian agents in Singapore from my hometown.
The girls can't pay, the employers can't pay. So the girls are slammed with loans for six to nine months. If she cannot cope and [leaves her employer before the loan is repaid], the [Singapore] agency has already paid up front. The supplier won't return the money, and the employer will refuse to pay the money. The poor girl has no money, so the agency has to absorb the cost. So the agent will push the girl to another employer so she will earn back the money.167
The Association of Employment Agencies in Singapore [AEAS] has been exploring reforms and has an active executive committee. One of their primary goals is to improve and professionalize the industry.342 They told Human Rights Watch that employment standards "should be more specific, the poor girls should be given off days, compulsory eight hours of rest. We are dealing with households. Everyone claims to be a good employer, but there is no benchmark."343
It has been a benediction to the girls of the Southwhose lives it has touched. A subtle, unseen spirit hastaken hold of the fines faculties of their souls andstirred to action every holy impulse, producing changedbeings. Indifference has been turned to enthusiasm;selfishness has been broadened into sympathy; unkindnesshas been swallowed up into an abounding charity; idle hands have reached out for employment; narrowminds have expanded and become glorified by the quickening,uplifting agency of love for humanity that haspoured, like a divine radiance, into their slumberous livesand raised them up to God. In the few years since theSouthern girls have donned the white ribbon and enlistedin the ranks of the Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in conjunction with the youngwomen of the North, East and West, they have assistedin campaigns for constitutional amendments; securedsignatures to the Polyglot Petition; supported rest cottages,lunch houses and headquarters for working girls;taken charge of mission meetings at night; sent singersto the hospitals; dispensed substantial charities through the medium of the Flower Mission in their visits toprisons, almshouses and the homes of the poor and distressed;distributed literature, studied the subject of physical culture and formed hygiene clubs; introducedtext-books in the public schools teaching the effects of alcohol and tobacco upon the human system; establishedloan libraries, engaged in evangelistic, kindergarten, socialpurity, Sunday-school, juvenile and press work; labored among lumbermen, sailors, foreigners and the colored population; conducted Demorest Medal contests,held Gospel Temperance meetings and obtained thousandsof signatures to the pledge. They are now supportingbeds for young women in the Temperance Hospitalat Chicago, and in the cities have established drinkingfountains for man and beast. They are raising fundsto aid in carrying on missionary temperance work inforeign fields; circulating petitions among the high schools and colleges against the use of wine and allalcoholic beverages at class suppers and alumni dinners;conducting parliamentary drills, prosecuting topicalstudies and discussions; giving receptions and entertainmentsin their parlors, besides holding public meetingsof a high order to create sentiment for the temperancecause, and educate the people up to the idea of totalabstinence and prohibition and gain the co-operation ofyoung men. They are offering prizes of money to pupilswho write the best essay on temperance, and severalare going out into different states as organizers andlecturers, and one into foreign fields as a missionary.
The young women of New Orleans, who were membersof the Y. W. C. T. U., for a long time supporteda room in an institution for the destitute, near the CharityHospital, where men and women could find a refuge,before entering the great world again to seek work anda shelter. The girls of Richmond, Virginia, one year,raised $600 which they expended in sustaining a retreatfor the sick. The Y. W. C. T. U. or Asheville, NorthCarolina, in co-operation with the King's Daughters,established an admirable, uniform system of charity bywhich the poor of the city were clothed and fed. Theyoung women of Mississippi have been potent factorsin bringing temperance sentiment up to the high-watermark which the state now enjoys. All of this blessedservice is simply a faint foregleam of the noble attainmentsand beautiful opportunities which the futureholds for Southern girls. When they devote whollytheir latent, unused powers to rid this drink-cursed Republicof its over-shadowing curse, then indeed, will bestarted a wave of helpfulness that will swell into a greatocean for the temperance cause and for the evangelizationof the world whose shores will be bounded only byeternity.
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